• Associated Press, Washington, September 30—• 20,000 new cases have been reported at army camps in 48 hours. 1,200 of these were reported at Chillicothe. Pneumonia cases numbered 788 and deaths numbered 277.• The total of pneumonia cases is (?),766, and total deaths are 1,577. The total of influenza cases in camps is 72,337.. New cases reported Sunday were 9,242 and this day’s were 11,024.• Camp Pike, Camp Sherman, and Camp Jackson each reported more than 1,000 new cases. Influenza continues to mount at these camps, but the death rate remains low.• 64 soldiers died at Camp Dix, the highest total of camps for 24 hours.• The number of new cases at Camp Devens is declining, with 107 cases and 47 instances of pneumonia in 24 hours. The total n...